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Event Details

Las Edades Y Etapas (Spanish- Ages and Stages- An Overview of Early Childhood Development)

Level 1 – Explores
Self-Paced Training
(Available Monday, September 16, 2024 - Tuesday, December 31, 2024)
(2.00 Hours (Self-Paced))


Course ID 201581
Aprender a definir las edades y etapas del desarrollo de la primera infancia, enfocando en los hitos para bebés, niños pequeños y preescolares. Reconocer las señales de alerta en el desarrollo de los niños y determinar un plan sobre cómo responder a ellas. Este es un módulo ATL en línea.

Learn to define the ages and stages of early childhood development, focusing on milestones for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Recognize developmental warning signs and determine a plan for how to respond to them. This is an online ATL module.

Learning Objectives

1. Describe typical development for young children from infancy to age 5.
2. Identify age specific developmental milestones in the Physical, Social-Emotional, Language, and Cognitive domains.


Event Fee
Registration Closed
Register By


ETL Support (Email)
Child Care Aware of Minnesota: ETL District
10 River Park Plaza, Suite 820
Saint Paul, MN 55107
Phone (651) 335-6658


ATL Faculty

Child Care Aware of Minnesota: ETL District

Delivery Methods

Assessment of Learning


Aprender a definir las edades y etapas del desarrollo de la primera infancia, enfocando en los hitos para bebés, niños pequeños y preescolares. Reconocer las señales de alerta en el desarrollo de los niños y determinar un plan sobre cómo responder a ellas. Este es un módulo ATL en línea.

Learn to define the ages and stages of early childhood development, focusing on milestones for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Recognize developmental warning signs and determine a plan for how to respond to them. This is an online ATL module.

2.00 Hours

Course Level

Level 1 – Explores

Approved clock hour course

Course Category

Early Childhood

Eager To Learn
Anytime Learning

(2 Hours)

CDA Content Areas

Content Area VIII: Principles of Child Development and Learning (2 Hours)

Early Childhood Classroom Staff
Family Child Care

School Age