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Event Details

(Spanish) Culturally Informed Practice In Early Childhood

Level 1 – Explores
Self-Paced Training
(Available Monday, September 16, 2024 - Tuesday, December 31, 2024)
(2.00 Hours (Self-Paced))


Course ID 207633
This is the Spanish language version of the Culturally Informed Practice In Early Childhood course in an online, asynchonous, Anytime Learning format. This course promotes an awareness of culturally informed practices by introducing elements that guide the practice in early childhood settings. Discover how these quality practices can support and enhance your program.

Other Trainer Criteria

Trainer must fluently speak, read and write Spanish.

Learning Objectives

• Gain knowledge on ethics and our role with children and families.
• Describe Frameworks that guide an understanding of individuals

Participant Support Accommodations

“Participantes deben tener una Identificación de Develop para poder participar. La atendencia se documentará en el registro de aprendizaje de Develop de los participantes después de completar el curso. Los participantes deben navegar por Anytime Learning a través de la plataforma Eager-to-Learn. Requisitos mínimos: Internet, Computadora/iPad/Tableta o otra forma de tecnología para ver un entrenamiento en línea. Anytime Learning es a su propio ritmo y el PowerPoint es cual es grabado por el instructor. Los participantes pueden tomarse todo el tiempo que se necesita para reflexionar, procesar y tomar notas. Se proporcionarán oportunidades para reflexionar a lo largo del curso. El módulo incluirá videos, cuestionarios interactivos (coincidencias, verdadero o falso, preguntas abiertas, o secuencias), Lectura adicional y una conferencia basada en la web para apoyar diferentes estilos de aprendizaje. Se proporcionará un guion para que los participantes puedan leer lo que se dice en la voz alta de la presentación. Los participantes pueden comunicarse con el personal de apoyo de Eager-to-Learn con preguntas, o para obtener más ayuda para navegar la plataforma Eager-to-Learn en https://www.eagertolearn.org/support/


Event Fee
Registration Closed
Register By


ETL Support (Email)
Child Care Aware of Minnesota: ETL District
10 River Park Plaza, Suite 820
Saint Paul, MN 55107
Phone (651) 335-6658


ATL Faculty

Child Care Aware of Minnesota: ETL District

Delivery Methods

Assessment of Learning


This is the Spanish language version of the Culturally Informed Practice In Early Childhood course in an online, asynchonous, Anytime Learning format. This course promotes an awareness of culturally informed practices by introducing elements that guide the practice in early childhood settings. Discover how these quality practices can support and enhance your program.

2.00 Hours

Course Level

Level 1 – Explores

Approved clock hour course

Course Category

Early Childhood

Virtual Self-Paced

Eager To Learn
Anytime Learning

(2 Hours)

CDA Content Areas

Content Area IV: Strategies to establish productive relationships with families (2 Hours)

Early Childhood Classroom Staff
School-Age Classroom Staff
Family Child Care
RBPD Specialists

School Age